Resources for Anti-Racism

There is a lot to process right now. We are in the middle of a pandemic, and looking our systemic racism in the eyes—it's crucial that we not look away.

Look within, find choice

It’s important that we pay attention. Not only to what is happening around us, but within ourselves. We can become aware of our patterned responses to anger, fear, sadness or overwhelm. Do we fight, flight, freeze, or please? Knowing your tendency, you can choose how to respond. 

Dig deep

Keep showing up to talk about it 

We need one another. We need to listen to one another. We need to be willing to not know. Connection is now more important than ever. This is an urgent opportunity for us to turn inward to get clarity, and to turn towards one another to direct change. We need grit, and willingness to keep showing up to our edges to see and change our programmed and inherited racist biases, blind-spots, and the ways we perpetuate the systemic racism in this country again and again until wounds heal, new paths become visible, and change is made. 


 Say-space brings discussions about inequality and inclusion into the workplace and supports companies to facilitate discussions that drive change in their organizations

ganeshspace offers a safe container for us to come together and have difficult discussions to spark change

Take aligned action

Find something that feels aligned rather than jumping on a bandwagon. Sign petitions that align and donate/contribute to groups and individuals doing meaningful work in anti-racism


#JusticeforFloyd petition

The Great Unlearn

Covid NYC Bailout


Anti-racism policy and research


Black Lives Matter!

More resources here courtesy of Sarah Vitti

alexandra ballensweig